Thursday 3 March 2016

One of Guruji Classmates Often Narrated an Incident Where He Went to Pick up Guruji for College

One of Guruji classmates often narrated an incident where he went to pick up Guruji for college on his scooter. On reaching Guruji house, Guruji told him that he had some work and would meet him that he had some work and would meet him in college. Guruji nevar possessed a scooter, yet guruji was standing and waiting for his friend at the college premises. Just to test him Guruji friend rode back to Guruji house to find Guruji present at his house as well. There have been various incidents where Guruji has been seen present in more than one place at the same time.

Guruji went to school at the Dugri primary school and Government High School. He did his college from the Government College at Malerkotla. Guruji was double M.A in English and Economics. He spoke fluent English and had a beautiful hand writing. Yet, just to put a veil on all of us, he would often ask us to spell certain words for him.

In another incident, Guruji friends wanted to teach him how to swim. Since he never liked getting wet he would often resist. One day they all got together and decided to throw guruji into the village well.One of his friends went down the well and the other remained on top to push guruji into the well. When guruji was pushed into the well, his friend were shocked to see that he did not hit the water but was infact floating over it. His friends got scared and before they knew it, guruji was out of the well besides them; with his clothes completely dry. No one till today understood how guruji came out or why he did not hit the water.

Guruji disliked getting dirty or having his clothes soiled.He was not keen on doing the typical chores in the agricultural fields. One day Guruji father insisted he work with them in the rice fields. Just as his father was about to push him into the fields, two men came on a scooter and said Guruji was wanted somewhere, and took Guruji away with them.

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