Friday 4 March 2016

One day Guruji brought a truck load of people home at night

Mataji would often send Guruji to get wheat or maize ground from the village grinding mill. He would take the wheat and maize from home and after having it ground, he would distribute it among the poor and needy.

One day Guruji brought a truck load of people home at night and much to the annoyance of his mother, asked her to prepare food for them all. After feeding them he distributed woven mats made by his mother among them and asked them to all rest until he finally let them go early morning. On being asked why he did such a thing he told his family that had he not stopped them and brought them home, they would have had an accident and died.

He had no inhibitions about going into the grave yard at night and would often be found meditating there for hours. Much to the dislike of his family, he often kept the company of sages. Guruji Left his village and home in 1975 (as reported by his classmates) and after college he briefly worked for the Punjab Schol education board, in its field office at Sangrur as a clerical assistant in 1983.

Guruji told us that by the age of eight, he had full control over all his desires. He devoted all his time to meditation.

Guruji father never believed just pretending to be a godman, until a day in Jallandhar temple, when in the early hours he woke up to a strange sound. He saw Guruji walk into a room with a big lion behind him. He got scared and woke up the caretakers only to be told that that particular room is locked and that Guruji is sitting in meditation. After that day Guruji father understood that his son was no ordinary human being and that he was special.

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