Thursday 10 March 2016

My Mother Had Asked for a Dress to be Made for Guruji and a Day Before

My mother had asked for a dress to be made for Guruji and a day before we were to go pick it up from the boutique, she took out the required money from the cupboard. She realized that a bundle of 50 rupee notes was all that was there in the cupboard that day.

As she was about to put it in her bag she saw that they were the most rotten and torn notes she had ever seen. She was a bit disappointed because having the notes changed from the bank the next morning, meant delay in meeting guruji.

The next day we told someone to rush to the bank to get the notes changed. Just as my sister handed him the notes he asked in confusion why do you want these notes herself.To her amazement, the notes were brand new.My mother felt there may have been a mistake as probably there was more than one bundle of notes in the cupboard. We checked the cupboard from top to bottom but could not find any more money. Still confused but in a lot of hurry we left for jallandhar to collect Guruji dress before going to meet Guruji.

Guruji dress and matching shoes were ready but the dress needed to be dry cleaned before we could present it to guruji.We decided to give the dress to Guruji on another visit, and went to his temple for his darshans. As we entered,he said Sukhi aunty,what have you got for me.Not wanting to give him the dress in a bad condition, we said Guruji we have not got anything. No you have had a dress made for me and matching shoes, bring them. We had no choice but to give him the dress as it was and Guruji very humbly and lovingly accepted it. For this dress I had to come last night to your house and change the bundle of money said Guruji.

Guruji so you changed the money asked my sister in surprise. Yes I had to or you would have been late.

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