Tuesday 22 March 2016


The curtains were a light grey and a pale pink spray of flowers but by the end of a week, one could hardly make out the pattern, since they used to become so dirty. After having washed them a couple of times we finally decided to ask Guruji about this strange phenomenon. Guruji why are the curtains turning black? My mother finally took the courage to ask him. I am curing negative influences of planets on all three of you. Since my temple curtains are charged with my energy, they are taking all the effect on to themselves. Said Guruji. Keep sleeping in the same room.We did as we were told, and for over a year the curtains kept getting black until one day we realized, they were not getting as black as they used to.

Anyone who walked into our room would feel a change in vibrations. We had pictures of Guruji on every wall. I noticed many people loved to come and sit there and felt peaceful while there were many others who could not step in and felt restless. Over the years we have witnessed many of Guruji blessings in this room.

My mother and I went to a temple and saw beautiful idols of Lord Shiva made in clay. We could not resist buying one each. On coming back home we placed these in our respective praying areas in the room. We would sit and say our prayers in front of the idols and would meditate on them. Soon we realized that the idols would become life--‐like each time we concentrated on them.

The eyes would open and shut, the skin on the face would twitch, and the chest would seem to rise and fall as if the idol was breathing. For many days my mother and I saw the same things in our respective idols but we kept it to ourselves and dared not tell each other. We would put it down to imagination or something or the other but refused to believe what we were seeing. Many days passed before my mother finally asked me if I could see anything strange in my idol. We were amazed to find out that we were both seeing the same things. Finding it very strange, we decided to ask Guruji about it in our next trip.

Guruji the to shiva idols in our room seem to come alive and breathe each time we pray to them is it our imagination asked mom. These are blessings do not stop here. You must go beyond this. Go back and do away with the idols. Leave them in some temple.

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