Tuesday 8 March 2016

I asked Guruji ,how can someone ruin another person life like this?

I asked Guruji , how can someone ruin another person life like this? Won’t you punish him? Is there a punishment for such cruelty? Yes he said people who indulge in black magic will have to face severe punishment in hell because they are harming people and interfering with god plan. He also said 99% of people today  indulge in black magic and visit tantricks to find short cuts through their problems,they do not know what seeds they are sowing .

That day it finally struck me that he actually was the Guru who changed destinies he had certainly changed ours.Tenu new life ditti Sukhi aunty, aish kar. I have given u a new life Sukhi aunty,enjoy said Guruji and we all fell at his feet and thanked him from the core of our hearts. 

Today envy and jealousy reign supreme. People are not happy to see others happy or prosper. thus they resort to black magic to harm others. All those who think they can alter the conditions of their existing lives for the better by the use of black magic or tantric knowledge, or think they can hurt people who have hurt them by using such powers do not know that may be able to achieve their desired goal for a while but what they will end up paying  for it very heavily.

The only way to protect yourself and your family from the evil influences of black magic is to come under the protection of a true mahapurush and prayers. Prayers said with a true intent and a pure heart, have the power to alter or cure anything.Devote your selves to prayer, seek the blessings of a true guru and sit in his sangat if you wish to evade influences. Only a true guru has the power and authority over evil.

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