Wednesday 24 February 2016

We Were Told to Come Regularly for the Next 15 Days and Strangely

What is your name? he asked me. Sukhmani I answer proudly ,since I was very fond of my name .Bada changa naam hai it a very nice name he replied. He gave me a long look and told me about the health issues I had been facing since a few years . I could not believe that someone who had just met me briefly could tell me about my illnesses. I remember all the other saints I visited had to be told of the problems I was going through, but this was the first time I had met someone who already knew. 

He seemed to read me like a book. Guruji was like a magnet I could not pull away from. Even though I had a few questions ,I did not however have any doubts that I had finally come to the right place...I had come home. In the few hours that we spent with him that day I felt so much of love and affection from him and for him that by the end of the day, I did not want to go back home.

 We were told to come regularly for the next 15 days and strangely, I looked forward to meeting him again. To the amusement of my family, I used to be the first one to get ready and waiting to be taken to Guruji. The next day when we entered the temple, Guruji  suddenly looked at my mother and said Tu Karminder Kaur di beti hai You are karmider kaur di beti hai.You have karmider kaur daughter .No one could have possibly told him my grandmother name. Tenu pata hai tu mere kol 70 saal di tapasya baad aayi hai Do you know you have come back to me after 70 years of meditation? My mother was only 43 at that time, which only meant he was talking about her previous lifetime. 

He told her that she had been with him in her past two lifetimes. Being a student of Psychology, I was greatly fascinated by the subject of past life and life after death. Needless to say, he knew about my fascination. He came and sat next to me on the floor and looked me in the eye. I tried to be brave and looked into his and what I saw in them sent shivers down my spine. His eye balls started to rotate and in them I saw something; but I was so scared, I quickly looked away. Guruji smiled and asked do you know what transmigration of souls means?

Transmigration of souls is a belief among various cultures, where it is believed that a soul never dies and keeps taking birth in a different body. He further asked, Do you also know that a lot of souls from the west have taken birth in India at this moment? On hearing this; my jaw dropped because since a few years I had been seeing flashes of my past lives and in most of them I (All that I saw about my past lives was later confirmed by Guruji) I could only but stare at him in amazement. How did he know? Seeing me badly shaken up he turned to my mother and said Aj main teri beti nu Shiv ji de thore darshan karwate Today I have given your daughter It is then that I realized that the image that was taking shape in his eyeballs was probably that of Shiv ji.

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