Saturday 13 February 2016


All those of you who have had a Guru or have been under the guidance of a spiritual master will understand how I feel about Guruji. The relationship between a guru and a disciple is the purest, most beautiful and the most sacred relationships in the world.

There is no donor like a guru and no seeker like a disciple. Guru can grant all three worlds to his disciple. First and foremost I join my hands in respect, who have been the medium of bringing such a great soul into this world. Writing about   guruji is an impossible task as no one can pen down the vastness and greatness of Guruji.

This book is just like a drop in the ocean. By writing this book I wish to reach out to all those who are looking for a true guru or those going through rough times and am unable to find solace. It is my humble request to them to come and find he no longer is in his physical body, his blessings and presence is still felt by thousands of people all over the world. No longer being bound by the laws of nature, he in fact is even more powerful now. Through this book I also wish to give a true perspective of teachings to all those who were fortunate enough to meet him in his physical form as well as those who have joined his sangat after his Mahasamadhi. Let me point out here that there is no one who is new to guruji.

Guruji knows each and every one of us. I seriously believe that we have all had encounters with him in our previous lifetimes. The main objective of this book is to highlight There was a lesson in every conversation he had with us. Every thing he said, even if in a joke, had a hidden meaning behind it. One just had to read between the lines to get it. He practically did things that others preached I believe miracles do happen and the miracles of all miracles happened to me the day I met my Guru. My mother and I have been associated with Guruji for many years and though this book has mostly our own personal experiences, we do not wish to publicise or glorify ourselves.

This book is written with the sole purpose to give a clear our experiences and conversations with him. Many years ago Guruji had told me that I would write a book but I never knew when that would be and about what, until just before writing this book, I started to get hints.

In every newspaper I opened, every sms I received or every TV Chanel I browsed. I truly believe that this book reaching you today is no coincidence. It will only reach you at a time when you need it the most.
If this book can answer unanswered questions, or can guide someone to find a true guru or can help them get cured of an illness, then my mission behind writing this book will be fulfilled.

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