Thursday 18 February 2016


I was hardly 4 years old when I started talking about snakes and how they came and danced with me and played with me almost every night. I remember the first time I told my mother; that I see snakes with small bells tied to their tails; and that they come and dance with me, she laughed it off and put it down to the crazy imagination of a four year old. 

The second time was different though; I got a tight slap across my face! I was lectured on how it is a bad thing to lie and make things up, and the importance of speaking the truth. I thought grownups were a rather strange lot and even though I kept seeing the snakes for a long time after that, I never said a word.

It was my 10th class farewell, and having studied in a convent, the sisters held a prayer meeting before the party. We were all given a rose bud each, around which was wrapped a piece of paper. We were told that Jesus Christ himself had sent us all a message regarding our future.

I believed the convent sisters were a strange lot too! I tried to look pleased when I went up to the principal to collect my message.All my friends seemed happy on reading theirs, some were told they would reach great heights, some were predicted to find money; some were told they would find true love. 

I was very disappointed on reading mine; it said Blessed are the pure at heart for they shall see GOD! happier had he sent me some of the other stuff too. Little did I know that within a few years I would actually meet God in the form of my Guruji and other stuff would have absolutely no meaning thereafter.

It was late at night and I switched off the bedside light to go off to sleep. I tried to relax and tell myself that what happened the night before was probably just my imagination. 

I have always had pictures of Guru Gobind Singh ji and Baba Sri Chand ji in my room. That night I sent out a silent prayer to both of them to protect me. Scared and in anticipation, I waited for it to happen again. I waited an hour or so and just as I was about to fall asleep, it happened. 

I felt someone come into my room and sit on my bed. The bed shook and I heard and felt the mattress sink. I quickly reached out to put on the bedside light but there was no one.

I sat up all night trying to make sense of it all. This happened every night till the day I met Guruji. Over a period of time I stopped fearing the presence in the room, in fact I felt safe and protected. 

I soon realized that my bedside table, that was constantly full of medicines, had now become empty as I was enjoying good health. Many years later Guruji asked me of this presence in my room and told me that it was He himself who used to come, sit on my bed and watch over me.

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